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Your own website


Now upload your own product on Google and sell it everywhere in Varanasi as per your wish.

·        On this you do not need any kind of coding

·        We provide you a page on the website where you will sell the product according to you.

·        With the help of the page, you can share your product list with anyone.

·        You can sell your products online with minimum charge.

·        By uploading the product without any limit, reach your goods to everyone

·        Lowest Cost Shipping

·        Easy Product Listing

·        7-Day Payment Cycle from the delivery date

·        Supplier support is available to solve all your doubts and issues before and after you start your online selling business.

How to Sell & Signup Process

Create Account

All you need is:

·        Full Name

·        Mobile Number & Email ID

·        Full Address & Location by Google

·        GSTIN

·        Bank Account Details

List Products

·        List the products you want to sell in your supplier panel

Get Order

·        Start getting orders from Thousand of Varanasi Customers actively shopping on our platform

Lowest Cost Shipping

·        Products are shipped to customers at lowest costs

Receive Payments

Payments are deposited safely to your bank account on the 7th or 15th  day of order delivery

Latest Seller

Shivang Kumar

Shivang & Company

Total Products 7

Durga Salt Traders

Durga Salt Traders

Total Products 9

Rahul Singh

Rahul Store

Total Products 7

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